With the leadership from Noor Shehata, West Forsyth High School will begin an Interfaith Service Club this fall. Noor, a rising senior at West, has identified two sponsors for the club and will work on creating a club constitution and goals for the group.
West Forsyth joins Reynolds as Winston-Salem/Forsyth County schools with interfaith service clubs. Isaac Cooper, who is a member of Temple Emanuel, led the formation of a club at Reynolds this spring. He is a rising junior.
Interfaith Winston-Salem has also begun discussions with a student at Mount Tabor High School to explore the possibility of forming a club there.
Interfaith Winston-Salem assists students with formation of the clubs, which are based on the model created by the Interfaith Youth Core (IYFC), headquartered in Chicago. IYFC’s model on more than 200 college and university campuses features three core components of interfaith cooperation: respect for religious identity, mutually inspiring relationships and common action for common good.
Students, faculty or staff who are interested in forming an interfaith service club in their school can contact Interfaith Winston-Salem for more information at interfaithws@gmail.com.